Enrollment for next year has begun

Eighth grade students were able to view a PDF form with links to videos of the classes being offered at the high school.

Melody Hamilton, 6th hour OTMS Productions II

This last week, students learned of classes they can take next year during their Advisory classes.  They were given enrollment forms to look over with parents and made their final selections.

Counselors play a big role in this process. They do a lot to help the students get classes they want. 

“A lot of things happen during enrollment,” counselor Valerie Seedorff said.  “We have to get teacher recommendations for core classes, explain to students elective courses, help students put in their elective courses and then have enrollment conferences.”

Enrollment for rising eighth graders is similar to what they did as rising seventh graders.  It’s the same form.  Seventh grader Dawson Lucas struggled with choosing his electives for next year.

“It was what I expected,” Dawson said, “I don’t think there was anything different than a normal school year.”

Some students relied on the help of teachers to choose electives.  Seventh graders just had to complete a form of their choices.  Eighth graders were responsible for putting their classes into Infinite Campus. Eighth grade social studies teacher Rebecca Thibeault struggled with making sure all of her students entered the right things.  Many of her students needed assistance.

“I wish parents could be more involved and informed with the enrollment process,” Thibeault said. “Last year, forms were sent home with students and parents were able to have conversations with their child and sign off on the classes.”

The forms given to rising ninth graders was a bit overwhelming compared to what rising eighth graders get.  The high school form had ALL classes offered at the high school, but not all classes are ones students can take. Eighth grader Emily Allen believes a design change on the enrollment form could help for the ones who are going into the high school.

“I think they should put all the ninth grade choices on a separate page so it’s less overwhelming,” Allen said.

Enrollment conferences will be happening next week. Rising ninth graders will be on Monday, Feb. 14 and Tuesday, Feb. 15.  Parents were contacted by their child’s high school advisor to set up a time.  OTMS will hold conferences between parents and advisory teachers on Tuesday, Feb. 15 and Wednesday, Feb. 16 from 3-7 over the phone.