Teachers offer after school tutoring to help students with grades

Melissa Woodward

S.J. Tinoco (7) stays after with Stettnisch and Thuenemann on Nov. 28 to get homework help.

Abby Betterton, OTMS Production I, 2nd hour

A new opportunity for students this year is after school tutoring. Students can get help with any work, seventh grade specific content, or math. Many teachers are offering their help during the week.

Kendra Stettnisch is a seventh grade math teacher and stays after school Monday and Wednesday to tutor for after school tutoring.

“I know that a lot of students need the extra help in class and so providing the after school help for students I felt would be beneficial,” Stettnisch said.

Seventh grader Brock Robison goes to Tymme Howell and Dena Falkenstein after school for tutoring on Monday. 

“[I] work on stuff after school so that way it gives [me] time to get it done,” Robison said.

T’Quia Bandy is a special education teacher and also teaches seventh grade math. Bandy stays Tuesday and Wednesday for after school tutoring and helps with any subject.

“I want all kids to do their best and to have better grades,” Bandy said. “Some kids just need a little extra help and I wanted to be able to provide that for them.” 

Parents are making their children take advantage of the help. Eighth grader Wesley Hill’s dad made him go to after school tutoring because he had an F but brought it up to a B-.

“If you’re falling you should try it out,” Hill said.

After school Tutoring goes Monday through Wednesday.

“I have noticed that the kids that stay after school for tutoring with me now have very few missing assignments, if any,” Bandy said. “Also, their grades are a lot better!”