Bennett gets married

photo courtesy of Kenzie Basham

Mr. and Mrs. Basham wed on Oct. 1.

Roxy Marsh, 5th hour OTMS Productions I

Beloved seventh grade teacher Kenzie Bennett was married on Oct. 1. Any student who has or has had Bennett knows how big of a deal this is, as she had always talked about how much she wanted to marry her boyfriend, Kevin Basham.

The two dated for nearly six years and were engaged for two. Bennett has known her husband since they went to school here.

“I felt very calm and excited on my wedding day! I wasn’t nervous at all. I was ready. I had been ready for a long time,” Bennett said.

Bennett’s friend and coworker, seventh grade teacher Bailey Wescott, believes that although Bennett is always very happy, she might be even more so now that she has gotten married.

“I was very excited for Ms. Bennett when she got married. I know that she wanted this for a long time. She looked beautiful and the wedding was so much fun!” Wescott said.

Seventh grader Holly Clements is one of Bennett’s students. She has felt the same about Bennett in that she is always exciting, but recently she feels Bennett has been even more happy. 

“… I am happy that she found the one she wants to be with!” Clements said.

Eighth grader Lana Barnhill is one of Bennett’s former students. Barnhill imagines that if Bennett has changed since she’s gotten married, it has only been positive.

“I’m very happy that Ms. Bennett has gotten married. It was something she talked about a lot last year and she seemed very excited,” Barnhill said.

Bennett and her husband are excited to be going to the Dominican Republic in January for their honeymoon.